We represent individuals in wrongful death and survival lawsuits. A loved one may die from the negligence, intentional act, malpractice, or fault of another person. In those instances, the family members of the deceased victim may file wrongful death and survival claims against the responsible party. We realize that losing a loved one is difficult for family members. The filing of a wrongful death claim can compensate family members for loss of love and affection, loss of consortium and companionship, lost wages from the deceased, loss of household services provided by the deceased, loss of future income from the deceased, and funeral expenses. A survival claim compensates family members for the deceased’s pain and suffering and lost earnings from the time of the injury to the deceased until his death.
Those who are allowed to bring claims for wrongful death and survival damages are immediate family members such as spouses, parents, and children. The individuals who are allowed to bring these claims are regulated by Louisiana state law. Although nothing can bring the loved one back, wrongful death and survival actions generally provide family members with some comfort after a loved one’s death.
If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident or if a loved one has been the the victim of a wrongful death, contact our office today for a free consultation. Call (504) 302-2462.